Mid-August 2019, I heard some racket outside towards my backyard off my property.  I went out and challenged these 02 men.  One was wearing neon orange clothing that hunters wear and the other man was in a Bobcat clearing a long lane just off my property.

These 02 men were clearing a lane so they can have a stand-off between my property and the property that they were going to do their deer hunting.
Anyway, the guy that was guiding the bobcat was using his cell phone to find the pinpoint exact locations of the east & west property line.  He showed me the exact line that appeared on his cell phone.  It even had a ‘dot’ where he was standing.  A day or so earlier, he marked the trees on my property line with white paint about 07-feet above the ground.
I don’t remember the App’s name, but using it, you don’t need a surveyor that will cost you several hundred dollars to mark your territory.
We got to talking about the immediate surrounding properties.  They told me the property to the southeast that bordered mine (06 acres, no structures) was lost to unpaid taxes.  The guy that got a GREAT DEAL on that property used an App on his smart phone that alerted him to this property when it went up for sale for delinquent taxes.  Sorry, I forgot the name of the App.
That same guy turned around and put the property up for sale and SOLD IT FOR  A REAL QUICK $15,000.00 PROFIT!!!!  Hey, that’s more than most Walmart Associates make in a whole year working 40-hours a week (net income)!  The 02 men told me that is what this guy does for a living.  He uses that ‘delinquent tax App’ to find properties that are up for sale to recover the taxes.  He then buys em’ and flips em’ for a good profit.
Man oh man, I wish I’d of known about that property up for taxes.  I wouldn’t flip it.  I’d just want it to expand my property line.
Sorry, I forgot the name of the ‘delinquent tax App.’  But now you know a simple way to make some extra money.
May be you can go down to the County Clerk’s Office and pay for a list of all properties that are delinquent on their taxes near you.
Yes, it sounds hard, going after properties lost by hard-working people.  I’m just relaying some good money-making information you can get out of debt and to enhance your bank account.
I’m guessing the owner was behind several thousand dollars on taxes.  Most folks don’t have several thousand dollars to dish-out on a property being on taxes.  Therefore, the COMPETITION IS LOW.
Now that you know about this, START SAVING UP your own money and get going with this lucrative money-making investment.
I’m telling you, land goes for some big bucks.  For example, my property, my land which is only 7.8 acres is worth more than my house – no joke.
I hope this money-information gets those cogs in your head going.  Consider going down to the County Clerk Office and see if you can get on their mailing list or get a list of properties that are delinquent on their taxes.

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